What is a traffic cone and what are traffic cones used for?

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What is a traffic cone and what are traffic cones used for?

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Traffic cones are part of the common traffic equipment that is in the shape of a sugar cone or the same cone and are usually made of plastic, and the purpose of using them is changing the temporary route of the roads to direct car traffic safely.

History of the traffic cone

The traffic cone was first built in 1914 by Charles P. Rudabaker. Although at that time there was no copyright registered in his name this matter has a special document and evidence. The first type of traffic cone was made of cement and/or wood, but it caused a lot of damage during car accidents.

Later in the 1940s, Charles D. Scanlon, an employee of the Los Angeles Department of Highways who painted traffic signs on the street floor, invented the first hollow cone-shaped traffic sign. Scanlon got the idea from the idea of ​​keeping cars away from painted traffic signs. The first traffic cone made by Scanlon was made using used tires, but Scanlon quickly gave up on making them because he could not find a permanent source of used tires.

In 1947, a multi-state tire company began making traffic cones using rubber and heat molds. David Morgan, an engineer from the UK, also claims to have built the first plastic traffic cone while working at Royal Chemicals.

In 1958, the use of commercial traffic cones was extended and paraffin-burning warning lights replaced the traffic cones and were used on the M6 highway. Oakland, California’s Gas and Electric Company also began using traffic cones to protect workers unloading and loading trucks. In 1961, the Federal Highway Administration adopted a highway safety standard that required rubber cones to be yellow or orange-yellow with a red section at the tip. In 1971, the United States Uniform Traffic Control Standards approved that traffic cones should be 18 inches or larger, and in areas where vehicle speeds are higher, these cones should have light-colored and shiny stripes to illuminate vehicles at night. And in 1978, the organization adopted a minimum cone height of 28 inches for freeways.

When was the traffic cone used as one of the traffic equipment for the first time?

Reports indicate that Rudebaker’s cement cones were first seen in New York City. Also, the traffic cone was used as one of the traffic equipment in England for opening the M6 highway in 1958.

What is the type of traffic cone?

In the past, these cones were made of wood and cement, but today’s traffic cones are made of recycled thermoplastic, rubber, or PVC, and if the cars collide with them unintentionally, there will be no more damage to the cars, and some types of rubber are folded under the car and return to their original state after coming out.

Although there are no exact statistics for the number of traffic cones in the world, it is estimated that there are 1.3 million traffic cones in the UK and 140 million worldwide.

What do the colors of the traffic cone mean?

The Highway Administration in the United States and the United Kingdom has started to color code the traffic cones and to better control the traffic as part of traffic management, the colors of the cones have been classified to describe and emphasize a subject more. The meaning of each color in this new classification is briefly as defined below:

مخروط سبز و سفید

Green and white cone

These cones are meant to indicate access to a line for drivers.

مخروط زرد و سفید

Yellow and white cone

These cones indicate that stopping is not allowed (no stopping). This cone is used in places with high traffic or fast traffic.

مخروط آبی و سفید

Blue and white cone

Blue and white cones are used in the upper parts of the car or truck to indicate the facility and to alert drivers of the potential danger of an accident. These cones are used to emphasize the presence of overhead cables as well as fixed structures. Sometimes these cones have yellow stripes.

مخروط ترافیکی سبز

Green cone

This cone is used to show the entrance of the project site from the side of highways. This type of cone can help drivers to know when to reduce their speed and also pay attention to the passing of cars in that direction.

مخروط ترافیکی زرد

Yellow cone

To help workers to detect approaching high voltage cables overhead. Also, this cone can inform the drivers of high vehicles such as trucks and trolleys about the existence of overhead wires that have high voltage. Also, this cone is used to indicate public danger with a lower degree than red.

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Orange or red cone

Red and orange traffic cones indicate danger in the area with the possibility of serious injury or death.

Traffic cones are also produced in other colors that have less and particular use:

-Neon green cones: for using on sidewalks and creating attention at entrance gates

-White cones: to be used in the parking lots of restaurants with valet parking, and horse racing, and to display the brand and name of sponsors in events.

-Pink cones: for using in spaces used for children, celebrations, and cancer awareness

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